Air Filters

How often should I check, change, clean my air filter?

Vortech Air recommends checking your air filter monthly. Many homes have a disposable filter and if it is dirty, simply replace it. Some filters are designed to last 3 months but in heavy use seasons, it is best practice to check more often.

My air filter is not disposable, how do I clean it?

  1. With your thermostat turned off, locate and remove your air filter.

  2. Use a garden hose and spray off the filter - on both sides. You may need to repeat this process many times if the filter is dirty. Be careful to not use too much pressure because you could damage the filter. When water runs clear and the filter is clean, move on to the next step.

  3. Shake off any excess water. Let the air filter completely dry before reinstalling. If it just a little damp, it is fine to re-install it.

  4. Slide the air filter back into the rack, noting proper airflow direction and you are finished. You can turn your thermostat back on and set a reminder to do this again next month.

If you have a larger system, you may have more than on air filter and might be different sizes. 

Where is my air filter located?

Where the filter is located depends on the system. There is usually a removable filter access door in the return air duct next to the furnace or indoor unit. This could be in a basement, crawl space, closet, garage or attic. If you have an older system, the filter is located inside the furnace itself, next to the blower motor. 


  • Air filters are directional - air is meant to flow through the filter in one direction only. Look for an arrow or an airflow symbol indicting which direction is correct. The arrow should point towards the furnace or air handler. If your filter doesn’t have arrows, see if one side of the filter looks rougher than the other side; that would be the side to collect the dust, so the other side would face your equipment. 

  • If you have a larger system, you may have more than on air filter and might be different sizes.