Frequently Asked Questions

Listed are frequently asked questions related to Heating and Air Conditioning.

Please keep in mind that the information found on our website is provided free of charge and Vortech Air does not assume any liability resulting from the information we provide. Your system would be inspected and repaired by a trained technicians. 

If you are experiencing a problem not listed below, feel free to let us know. 

  • Great question!

    Vortech Air offers a scope of services to help you make the right decision for your home. So whether it's designing the most efficient system for new construction, upgrading an existing system, retrofitting or replacing a system that has failed, you can trust us to make the right recommendations for your needs!

  • There isn’t one simple answer. Each system has its own unique advantages or disadvantages depending on factors such as cost, comfort, efficiency, maintenance and reliability or availability.

    We’d love to talk to you about your needs to find the right solution for you.

  • Gas: Heating your home with natural gas is safe, convenient, affordable and reliable. Gas systems are the most popular heating system in the USA.

    Propane gas is not as convenient as natural fas but is also a clean and cost effective way to heat your home and run appliances.

    Electric: Electric is the most efficient heating and cooling systems available. It is close to 30-40 % more efficient than gas furnaces because it provides more energy than it consumes. There is also no threat of escaping carbon monoxide, explosions or combustion odors, rumblings, fuel leaks, soot or venting issues. Electric is both clean and efficient.

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